Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani tied the knot in a splendid celebration featuring both Anand Karaj and Sindhi-style ceremonies in Goa. The duo recently shared a glimpse of their stunning second look from the picturesque beach wedding.
The newlyweds, who have been the talk of the town since their Goa nuptials, unveiled a captivating photo showcasing their matching wedding attire. This snapshot, believed to be from their Anand Karaj ceremony held on Wednesday morning, highlights the couple’s elegance and style.
In addition to the mesmerizing photos, an inside video capturing the bride’s walk down the aisle has surfaced online, further adding to the buzz surrounding Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani’s fairytale wedding. The duo’s union has garnered widespread attention, with social media buzzing about their beautiful ceremonies and picturesque wedding moments.
As the couple continues to share glimpses of their joyous occasion, fans and well-wishers eagerly await more details and enchanting moments from Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani’s unforgettable Goa beach wedding.