Following the blockbuster success of his recent film ‘Animal,’ Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor has been riding high on a wave of success. Adding to his jubilation, the actor recently splurged on a lavish purchase – a brand new Bentley valued at a whopping Rs 8 crore. Additionally, anticipation surrounds the completion of his and his wife Alia Bhatt’s long-awaited bungalow, which has been in construction for several years.
However, on a recent Sunday night outing, Ranbir Kapoor found himself at the center of attention for an unexpected reason. While taking a leisurely ride in his new car, the actor encountered a frenzy of paparazzi trailing closely behind him. Despite not being behind the wheel himself, Ranbir’s demeanor took a sharp turn as he appeared visibly perturbed by the swarm of photographers doggedly following him to his destination.
A video of the incident, shared by paparazzi enthusiast Viral Bhayani, quickly gained traction on social media, sparking discussions among fans about the invasive nature of celebrity culture and the boundaries of privacy. Ranbir Kapoor’s reaction to the overwhelming attention from the paparazzi has left many surprised, highlighting the challenges faced by celebrities in maintaining personal space amidst constant public scrutiny.