Recently evicted contestant Samarth Jurel has voiced his discontent over Salman Khan’s decision to bring Abhishek Kumar back into the Bigg Boss 17 house. Jurel, who exited the show two weeks before the grand finale due to the least audience votes, has raised questions about the comeback of Abhishek Kumar, a fellow contestant.
In an exclusive interview, Samarth Jurel not only discussed his elimination but also delved into the controversial incident involving a slap between him and Abhishek Kumar inside the Bigg Boss house. Jurel candidly shared his feelings, expressing his dissatisfaction with Salman Khan’s call to reintroduce Abhishek Kumar into the ongoing season.
Regarding the much-talked-about slap incident, Samarth Jurel disclosed whether he has forgiven Abhishek Kumar. The aftermath of their altercation has been a topic of intense speculation, and Jurel provided insights into the status of their relationship post the controversial incident.
Furthermore, Samarth Jurel shed light on the perceived disconnect that Isha Malviya’s father has from their relationship. The actor, who entered the Bigg Boss house as a wildcard contestant and is in a relationship with Isha Malviya, shared details about the dynamics between him and his fellow contestants.
As Bigg Boss 17 approaches its grand finale, Samarth Jurel’s revelations add a layer of intrigue and drama to the unfolding narrative. Fans of the reality show are eagerly awaiting further developments, especially in the aftermath of Jurel’s exit and his perspectives on the dynamics within the house.