Home Entertainment Bigg Boss 17 Drama Unfolds as Vicky Jain Discusses Sushant Singh Rajput’s...

Bigg Boss 17 Drama Unfolds as Vicky Jain Discusses Sushant Singh Rajput’s Death Amidst Argument with Ankita Lokhande


The ongoing drama in Bigg Boss 17 has taken a turn as Vicky Jain and Ankita Lokhande find themselves entangled in heated arguments, sparking controversy within the reality show. In the aftermath of a confrontation, Vicky Jain invoked the name of Ankita’s ex-boyfriend, Sushant Singh Rajput.

Bigg Boss 17 Drama Unfolds as Vicky Jain Discusses Sushant Singh Rajput's Death Amidst Argument with Ankita Lokhande

The tension between Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain escalated further after their mothers paid a visit to the Bigg Boss house. In the midst of an argument, Vicky found himself defending his mother against accusations of insulting Ankita by referencing her late father. The exchange took a surprising turn when Vicky brought up his support for Ankita during what he referred to as “the worst time of her life” — the aftermath of Sushant Singh Rajput’s tragic death.

The revelation adds a layer of complexity to the ongoing dynamics within the Bigg Boss house, as personal histories and past relationships become fodder for confrontations. Vicky Jain’s mention of Sushant Singh Rajput injects a new dimension into the narrative, potentially impacting the relationships and alliances within the reality show.

As viewers eagerly anticipate the unfolding drama and confrontations in the Bigg Boss 17 house, the reference to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death introduces a sensitive element that may influence the dynamics of the ongoing reality show. The repercussions of this revelation are yet to be fully realized, adding an element of intrigue to the evolving narrative within the confines of the Bigg Boss house.