In an impressive display of box office prowess, Shah Rukh Khan’s film ‘Dunki,’ co-starring Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and Boman Irani, is on the verge of entering the coveted Rs 200 crore club. The Rajkumar Hirani directorial, which intricately weaves the narrative of a group of friends aspiring to migrate to London, has sustained its momentum on the second Monday, raking in a substantial ₹9.25 crore across all languages, according to reports from Sacnilk.
The film’s cumulative earnings now stand at a remarkable ₹196.97 crore, signaling a formidable journey at the domestic box office. ‘Dunki,’ a collaborative venture between Red Chillies Entertainment, JIO Studios, and Rajkumar Hirani Films, continues to resonate with audiences, drawing them into the compelling storyline and stellar performances.
As the film inches closer to the illustrious Rs 200 crore milestone, the collective efforts of the cast and crew are clearly paying off, solidifying ‘Dunki’ as a cinematic success. The intriguing blend of storytelling and the ensemble cast’s compelling portrayal of characters has undoubtedly struck a chord with moviegoers, elevating ‘Dunki’ to the forefront of the current box office race.