Home Entertainment Shipra Aggarwal is using this quarantine to strengthen her relationship with her...

Shipra Aggarwal is using this quarantine to strengthen her relationship with her husband Aditya Aggarwal.

Shipra Aggarwal

Shipra Aggarwal who won Miss North India, Miss Dehradun and many other beauty pageants is now director of PKG lifestyle news and is working with her husband Aditya Aggarwal who is owner of PKG lifestyle news.

Aditya and Shipra who got married just 5 months before lockdown have been utilising this time to know each other even better. Shipra says that the time spent together in quarantine with her husband has made their bond stronger.

Shipra and Aditya believe that it is very important to prioritize your relationship while adhering to social distancing and lockdown protocols.

Shipra Aggarwal & Aditya Aggarwal

They feel that a couple should set aside time to have a conversation about what’s going on right now. Take turns sharing what is most troubling to you. Do not dismiss your partner’s concerns or try to fix them. Instead think of listening as an opportunity to get to know your partner better. Conversation are the strongest tool to strengthen a relationship.

Although the entire world is going through a very difficult time right now and we keep getting bad news from across the globe but it is very important to share gladness for your physical safety with each other talk about good memories of your first date, for the way your partner laughs. Tell one another what you love and admire about one another.  Many couples never take the time to name what’s good, and doing so is always very heartwarming.

Spending some of your time alone with yourself is also very important for a healthy relationship whether it’s taking a warm bubble bath, doing an online yoga class, journaling, reading a novel, or just taking a nap, spending time replenishing yourself is essential for showing up and joyfully interacting with your partner.

You can also pick something you are both excited about and can do together. You can do a puzzle together. Watch every comedy on Netflix. Or get a relationship book and work through the exercises together.
Having a shared project will enhance the good energy between you.

Shipra and Aditya believe that even though much of what is going on in the world can feel overwhelming and uncertain, spending all day with your partner does not need to.

Shipra says that it is also very important to stay in touch with our friends and families as we need each other in order to be able to work effectively during this crisis.

Shipra has also been using social media during this lockdown to do lots of Live Chat sessions with experts from different fields.

She is also feeding the homeless people and said that “Homeless people, too, are human beings. If you or me can’t live without food, what makes you think that homeless people can do it during this lockdown?”

PKG lifestyle news has also felicitated many other people who have been working to help the poor and needy during the lockdown to encourage more people to come forward to feed the poor.