As the festive spirit of Christmas filled the air, Bollywood actor Sunny Deol brought joy to his celebrations with a unique twist. The 66-year-old star celebrated the holiday by dancing to the trending song ‘Jamal Kudu,’ which marks his brother Bobby Deol’s entry in the film ‘Animal.’ Adding a whimsical touch to the celebration, Sunny was spotted holding his beloved teddy bear, a companion he fondly spoke about in a recent appearance on ‘Koffee with Karan.’
Sharing the festive vibes with his fans, Sunny captioned the post, “Celebrated #Christmas with my fave Teddy Bear,” showcasing a heartwarming moment of joy. Bobby Deol, Sunny’s brother, expressed his love by commenting with an array of red heart emojis. Sunny’s ‘Gadar 2’ co-star Ameesha Patel joined in, calling him a “cutie pie” and declaring him “cute than any teddy bear.”
Sunny Deol recently opened up about his fondness for teddy bears during a candid chat on Karan Johar’s celebrity talk show. He revealed, “I just find them very cuddly and cute. I always keep a small teddy bear in the car and sometimes carry one in my pocket. Wherever I see something cute and nice, I buy them.”
While spreading holiday cheer, Sunny also shared updates on his upcoming projects. With three films in the pipeline, namely ‘Baap,’ ‘Lahore 1947,’ and ‘Soorya,’ the actor continues to be a force to reckon with in the industry. His last film, ‘Gadar 2,’ emerged as one of the biggest blockbusters of 2023, raking in over Rs 690 crore at the worldwide box office. As Sunny Deol delights in the joy of the season, fans eagerly anticipate his future endeavors in the world of cinema.