In the ongoing investigation into illegal streaming of IPL matches, actress Tamannaah Bhatia has been summoned by the Maharashtra Cyber Cell. Sources indicate that she has been asked to appear for questioning on April 29. This development comes after actor Sanjay Dutt was also summoned earlier in connection with the same case.
According to reports, Tamannaah Bhatia’s involvement is related to the alleged streaming of IPL 2023 matches on the Fairplay App, resulting in significant financial losses for Viacom. ANI shared the update, highlighting the summons issued to the actress for questioning by the Maharashtra Cyber Cell.
Sanjay Dutt, who was called for questioning on April 23, requested a rescheduled date due to his prior commitments. He cited being out of the country on the original date and expressed willingness to cooperate with the investigation at a later time.
The investigation into the illegal streaming case continues, with authorities actively seeking information and cooperation from individuals associated with the matter.