In a captivating development, Mega hero Varun Tej was spotted at the RGI airport in Hyderabad this morning, gearing up to set Vijayawada ablaze with a three-day promotional extravaganza for his upcoming film, “Operation Valentine.” The movie, centered around the Pulwama attack and the subsequent Balakot airstrike in 2019, has already generated significant buzz, especially with the recent unveiling of its ‘final strike’ trailers in multiple languages.
Varun Tej’s cousin and renowned RRR star, Ram Charan, took the honor of revealing these compelling trailers, a move that sparked a robust response from eager fans. The trailers offer a glimpse into the intensity and drama that “Operation Valentine” promises, setting the stage for a gripping cinematic experience.
“Operation Valentine” features the former Miss World, Manushi Chhillar, in a prominent role, adding a touch of glamour to the narrative. Directed by debutant Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, the film boasts an ensemble cast, including Navdeep, Ruhani Sharma, Mir Sarwar, and others, each contributing to the film’s dynamic storytelling.
Produced by Sony Pictures International Productions and Renaissance Pictures, the collaboration ensures a high-quality cinematic endeavor that delves into the patriotic fervor surrounding the Pulwama attack and its aftermath. The musical composition for the film is entrusted to the talented Mickey J Mayer, promising a soundtrack that complements the film’s emotional depth and intensity.
As Varun Tej embarks on this promotional journey to Vijayawada, fans eagerly anticipate the insights and glimpses he may share during the three-day extravaganza. With its compelling storyline, stellar cast, and the genuine efforts of the team involved, “Operation Valentine” is poised to make a significant impact in the hearts of cinephiles as it brings a crucial chapter of Indian history to the silver screen.