As Vicky Kaushal rings in his 36th birthday today, his family members took to social media to shower him with love and nostalgic memories. His father and renowned stunt director, Sham Kaushal, posted a heartwarming throwback picture from the sets of Asoka, dating back to 2001. Expressing his pride and affection, Sham Kaushal captioned the post with heartfelt wishes for his son, emphasizing the enduring blessings of God.
Accompanying the throwback was a more recent snapshot of Vicky Kaushal, taken on the sets of Chhava, where he’s seen engaged in a sword fight. Sham Kaushal marveled at the passage of time, reflecting on the journey from the Asoka days to Vicky’s current endeavors, all under the grace of divine intervention.
Additionally, Vicky’s brother, Sunny Kaushal, joined in the birthday celebrations with a delightful throwback picture of their childhood, playfully noting that despite 36 years passing, some things remain unchanged.
As Vicky Kaushal basks in the warmth of familial love and reminisces about his journey, fans and well-wishers join in, sending their heartfelt wishes for a joyous birthday celebration.