Director Vidhu Vinod Chopra is basking in the success of his latest film, “12th Fail,” which has not only become a box office hit but also garnered acclaim from critics and audiences nationwide. The cinematic portrayal of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, headlined by Vikrant Massey, recently celebrated its 100-day milestone with a grand party attended by the film’s team.
Reflecting on the journey, Vidhu Vinod Chopra shared an intriguing conversation he had with his wife, the renowned film critic and author Anupama Chopra, before the film’s release. According to the filmmaker, Anupama was initially skeptical about the film’s prospects in theaters and suggested exploring the OTT release route.
“100 days ago, on this very screen, we had our first show. When we talk about numbers, ₹100 cr, now there’s ₹500 cr, ₹1,000 cr, ₹2,000 cr, but to me, it boils down to one thing. What is your intention? Why are you making that film? You make an honest film and it can reach those numbers. When I was making the film, I was told by everyone, including my dearest wife [Anupama Chopra], to put it out on OTT!” revealed Chopra during a conversation with Vikrant Massey.
The success of “12th Fail” not only signifies a triumph at the box office but also underscores the importance of staying true to one’s creative vision. The film’s journey from skepticism to celebration serves as a testament to the unpredictable nature of cinematic success and the impact of authenticity in storytelling.