Home Latest News EaseMyTrip CEO Nishant Pitti Defends Maldives Decision, Refutes Claims of Instigating Standoff

EaseMyTrip CEO Nishant Pitti Defends Maldives Decision, Refutes Claims of Instigating Standoff


In a robust response to allegations that EaseMyTrip’s suspension of flight bookings to the Maldives triggered a diplomatic standoff, CEO Nishant Pitti asserted the travel aggregator’s stance and rebuffed accusations of instigating the disagreement between the two nations. The controversy arose after critical comments about Prime Minister Narendra Modi by three Maldivian ministers.

EaseMyTrip CEO Nishant Pitti Defends Maldives Decision, Refutes Claims of Instigating Standoff

Addressing the issue, Pitti, in an extensive post, shed light on the Maldives’ perceived “pro-China” position under President Mohamed Muizzu. The Maldivian President has openly sought increased Chinese tourist inflow, urged Beijing to send more visitors, and advocated for the removal of Indian military assets stationed in the Maldives. Pitti argued that considering these geopolitical factors, the decision to suspend flight bookings to the Maldives was a strategic move by EaseMyTrip.

Highlighting the political dynamics at play, Pitti expressed frustration with critics who viewed the company’s decision through a purely political lens. He emphasized the importance of understanding the broader context, including the Maldives’ evolving foreign policy and the geopolitical considerations influencing EaseMyTrip’s actions.

Amidst the controversy, Pitti revealed a remarkable surge in app downloads, boasting a staggering 280 percent increase over the past week. The CEO also took a swipe at the “five percent” of Indians not supporting his company, suggesting that the majority backed EaseMyTrip’s decision based on the broader geopolitical context.

As tensions linger between India and the Maldives, EaseMyTrip’s CEO stands firm on the company’s position, defending the strategic move while challenging critics who seek to oversimplify the situation by reducing it to political narratives. The ongoing discourse underscores the complex interplay of business decisions and geopolitical considerations in the realm of international travel.