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Outrage Ensues as Ram Rahim, Convicted of Rape, Granted 9th Parole in 4-Year Span


In a controversial turn of events, Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, the chief of Dera Sacha Sauda and a convicted rapist serving a 20-year sentence, has once again been granted parole. This marks the ninth time in the last four years and the seventh instance in the past 24 months that Singh has been released from Sunaria Jail in Haryana’s Rohtak district.

Outrage Ensues as Ram Rahim, Convicted of Rape, Granted 9th Parole in 4-Year Span

The parole, spanning 50 days, comes on the heels of three separate releases in the preceding year, totaling 91 days. Notably, Singh was granted parole for 21 days in November, 30 days in July, and 40 days in January, with the latter release coinciding with the birth anniversary celebrations of former Dera chief Shah Satnam.

This repetitive pattern of parole grants has sparked widespread criticism and concern, as Singh, captured on camera during a previous release, was seen ostentatiously cutting a birthday cake with a sword. The video, widely shared online, captured Singh expressing his celebratory sentiments, stating, “Got a chance after five years to celebrate like this… so I should cut at least five cakes. This is the first cake!”

The frequency of parole releases for a convict serving a substantial prison term has raised questions about the appropriateness of such allowances. As the news unfolds, public sentiment continues to reflect both outrage and demands for a reassessment of the parole system, particularly when it involves individuals convicted of serious crimes.