Home News Congress Leader Accuses Modi Government of Undermining Democracy and Disregarding Parliament

Congress Leader Accuses Modi Government of Undermining Democracy and Disregarding Parliament


In a statement issued today, Congress leader Sonia Gandhi expressed deep concern over what she described as a severe strain on democratic values by the Modi government. Gandhi highlighted the unprecedented suspension of numerous parliamentarians who had raised what she deemed a “legitimate demand” for the Home Minister to address the security breach in the Lok Sabha.

The veteran Congress leader lamented that such a high number of suspensions had never occurred before, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. According to Gandhi, the government’s actions were perceived as a stifling of democracy, creating an atmosphere where elected representatives were penalized for seeking accountability.

Gandhi criticized the Modi administration for what she characterized as a disdainful attitude toward Parliament, asserting that the government had strangled the democratic process. The demand for a statement from the Home Minister regarding the security breach was, in her view, a reasonable request that should not have resulted in such punitive measures.

This latest development has further intensified the political climate in New Delhi, with the opposition and the ruling party at odds over the handling of the security breach and the subsequent fallout in the Lok Sabha. As the situation unfolds, the impact on democratic norms and parliamentary discourse remains a subject of keen observation.