In the aftermath of a clash in Mira Road on the outskirts of Mumbai, thirteen individuals have been arrested, while four minors have been detained by the police. The incident occurred during a vehicle rally on January 21 when two communities clashed amid chants praising Lord Ram.
The rally, comprising 10-12 people on cars and motorcycles, unfolded in Naya Nagar in Mira Bhayender. The participants were expressing their support for Lord Ram ahead of the scheduled Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha ceremony in Ayodhya. However, tensions escalated as another group raised objections to the bursting of firecrackers during the rally, leading to a scuffle between the two factions.
Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has emphasized a “zero tolerance” approach to such incidents, stating that thirteen arrests have already been made, and efforts are underway to identify additional individuals involved in the clash. The authorities have also detained four minors in connection with the violence.
The clash underscores the delicate communal dynamics during religious processions and rallies, emphasizing the need for heightened vigilance and preventive measures to ensure public safety during such events. As the investigations continue, the incident serves as a reminder of the challenges in maintaining peace and order, especially in the context of religious events that evoke strong sentiments within communities.