Home News “Unidentified 4-Foot Pit Sparks Unease near Hindan Air Base in Ghaziabad”

“Unidentified 4-Foot Pit Sparks Unease near Hindan Air Base in Ghaziabad”


In a cause for concern, an undisclosed four-foot trench has emerged near the boundary wall of Ghaziabad’s Hindan Air Force Base. The local community raised alarms, notifying the authorities on December 10, following the unearthing of the pit adjacent to the outer perimeter of the Hindan Air Force Base. A collaborative investigation is now in progress, involving both local law enforcement and Hindan Air Force authorities, seeking to unravel the mystery behind this enigmatic excavation.

The discovery of this unexplained trench has intensified worries regarding the base’s security, prompting inquiries into the circumstances that led to its creation. The joint efforts of police and air force officials highlight the gravity of the situation, as they work diligently to understand the origins and purpose of this puzzling four-foot pit situated near one of India’s crucial air bases. As the investigation evolves, the revelation of this unidentified trench in the vicinity of the Hindan Air Force Base introduces an element of unpredictability and urgency to the ongoing proceedings.