Home Entertainment Haryana Police siezes 792 kg drugs, over 73,000 liquor bottles during lockdown.

Haryana Police siezes 792 kg drugs, over 73,000 liquor bottles during lockdown.


Haryana Police has seized 792 kg of narcotic substances, 73,251 bottles of liquor (illicit or transported illegally), 37,363 litres of Lahan (a raw material used to produce illicit liquor) and arrested 840 persons in this connection over the course of the lockdown.

“Since the lockdown, a total of 746 cases were registered under the provisions of NDPS (46) and Excise Act (700) in Ambala Range (Ambala, Yamunanagar, Kurukshetra), Karnal Range (Panipat, Karnal and Kaithal) and Police Commissionerate Gurugram,” Haryana DGP Manoj Yadava said.

“Our teams also nabbed a most wanted criminal in Ambala Police range, busted a gang of ATM robbers with the recovery of Rs 3.80 lakh cash and ATM machine. During the lockdown period, 10 cases of murder including two blind murder and attempt to murder have been worked out by arresting 15 accused in Ambala Range. We have also busted a gang of human trafficking in Kurukshetra with the arrest of five accused,” he added.

“In Karnal Range too, police have arrested a most-wanted criminal involved in heinous crime from Kaithal district. Two gangs of burglary were busted in Panipat wherein 6 persons were arrested. With this, 7 cases were worked out and case property worth Rs 2.10 lakh was recovered. A gang involved in vehicle theft and two other gangs for mobile phone theft were also busted,” the DGP said.

DGP Yadava said, “We have also taken stern action against those spreading rumours or vitiating communal harmony in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. Our cyber crime units have arrested five rumour-mongers from Gurugram on charges of creating panic by spreading misleading and fake information.”