Home Entertainment “Complex Rescue Operation Unfolds in Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse Crisis”

“Complex Rescue Operation Unfolds in Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse Crisis”


In a challenging mission to rescue 41 laborers trapped for the past 10 days in the collapsed Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi, a 15-member NDRF team, under the leadership of a commandant, is employing innovative techniques.

Update 1: NDRF personnel face a significant challenge in the evacuation process, using 800 mm diameter steel pipes. A simulated drill showcases their approach to traverse these pipes and reach the trapped laborers on the other side of the debris, as explained by NDRF second-in-command Ravi Shankar Badhan.

Update 2: Medical professionals are stationed within the tunnel, with ambulances positioned outside for the safe transfer of rescued individuals. These ambulances will transport the workers to a hospital in Chinyalisaur, approximately 30 kilometers from the tunnel location.

Update 3: The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) and Indian Railways (IR) collaborate to operate a special train transporting equipment from Karambeli in Gujarat to Rishikesh in Uttarakhand. This initiative covers a distance of 1605 km, supporting the rescue efforts for the trapped workers.

Update 4: A 41-bed hospital has been established at the Chinyalisaur Community Health Centre to provide medical care for the trapped laborers once rescued. Additionally, a temporary hospital with eight beds is set up at the location to offer immediate medical attention if necessary.

Update 5: Family members express optimism after conversing with the trapped workers. Anticipating a heartwarming reunion, they share their ordeal of being unable to contact their loved ones, learning about the situation through newspapers.

In the face of adversity, the collaborative efforts of NDRF, medical professionals, and railway authorities underscore the commitment to rescue the trapped laborers and provide them with essential medical care. The unfolding operation in Uttarkashi reflects both the challenges and the determined spirit of those involved in this critical mission.