In the wake of the setback with Gandeevadhari Arjuna, Mega Prince Varun Tej is all set for his upcoming project, Operation Valentine. This Telugu-Hindi bilingual aerial action drama, directed by Shakti Pratap Singh Hada and featuring Manushi Chhillar as the leading lady, is poised to hit screens in both languages on March 1, 2024. To create a buzz and anticipation among the audience, the filmmakers have strategically planned the release of a captivating theatrical trailer, scheduled to be unveiled tomorrow.
After the challenges faced with Gandeevadhari Arjuna, Varun Tej’s fans are eagerly anticipating Operation Valentine, and the bilingual aspect adds an extra layer of intrigue. The aerial action drama promises to deliver a unique cinematic experience, blending Telugu and Hindi languages to cater to a wider audience.
Adding to the excitement, the trailer launch will be a star-studded event, with renowned actors Ram Charan and Salman Khan taking the lead in unveiling the gripping visuals of Operation Valentine. The collaboration between these two influential figures from the Telugu and Hindi film industries further amplifies the anticipation surrounding the project.
Mark your calendars for the trailer release tomorrow, as Operation Valentine gears up to showcase its adrenaline-pumping sequences and intriguing narrative. With Varun Tej in the lead and the combined star power of Ram Charan and Salman Khan endorsing the film, the expectations are soaring high for this aerial action extravaganza. Stay tuned for an enthralling glimpse into Operation Valentine, promising a cinematic treat for audiences in both Telugu and Hindi.