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“Investigation Unveils Disturbing Details: Bengaluru CEO Suchana Seth Suspected of Pre-Planning Son’s Alleged Murder in Goa”


In a shocking turn of events, Suchana Seth, the CEO of a Bengaluru-based startup, is under investigation for the alleged murder of her son in Goa. The Goa police reveal a potential premeditated aspect to the crime, as they discover two cough syrup bottles inside the room where the tragic incident occurred. These bottles are believed to have been used to render the victim unconscious.

"Investigation Unveils Disturbing Details: Bengaluru CEO Suchana Seth Suspected of Pre-Planning Son's Alleged Murder in Goa"

Many cough syrups contain sleep-inducing chemicals, leading the Goa police to speculate that the accused might have administered a substantial dose to her son. The investigation suggests a sinister plot involving the use of cough syrup to incapacitate the victim before carrying out the alleged act of smothering with either a pillow or cloth.

This disturbing revelation adds a complex layer to the ongoing investigation, raising questions about the motive behind the alleged crime and the meticulous planning that may have gone into its execution. As the authorities delve deeper into the case, the circumstances surrounding Suchana Seth’s alleged involvement in her son’s demise continue to unravel.