In a heartwarming display of camaraderie, Preity Zinta recently showered praise on her Dil Se co-star, Manisha Koirala, in response to the latter’s stirring post about her work in Heeramandi. Manisha’s reflections on her journey resonated deeply with many Bollywood luminaries, including Preity, who took to expressing her admiration for the accomplished actress.
Recalling their shared experience on the sets of Dil Se, Preity reminisced about Manisha’s mentorship and support during her debut film. Describing Manisha as a “powerhouse of talent,” Preity’s affectionate words underscored the profound impact her co-star had on her early career. Expressing gratitude for the warm reception she received, Preity credited Manisha for fostering a nurturing environment on set, devoid of any superstar airs.
In her heartfelt message, Preity expressed, “I love you Manisha, I saw the show for you & you killed it. You are such a powerhouse of talent & an even better human being. I will never forget how lovely, welcoming & generous you were to me in Dil Se. Thanks to you I started my film journey on such a positive note. You never made me feel I was working with a superstar & nurtured me on the shoot.”
The bond shared by Preity Zinta and Manisha Koirala serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring friendships forged in the realm of cinema. As Preity’s heartfelt tribute resonates across social media platforms, it celebrates not just the talent but also the spirit of generosity and camaraderie that defines the film industry.