In an exclusive conversation with Pinkvilla, Bollywood actor Siddhant Chaturvedi, currently basking in the success of the Netflix film “Kho Gaye Hum Kahan,” revealed his admiration for Vikrant Massey’s “12th Fail” and expressed his eagerness to collaborate with director Vidhu Vinod Chopra in the future.
The actor, known for his charismatic performances, shared his thoughts during a playful and interactive session where he answered fifty quick questions on various topics. Siddhant spoke fondly of “12th Fail,” praising Vikrant Massey’s stellar portrayal in the film. The actor’s commendation adds to the growing acclaim surrounding Massey’s performance in the critically acclaimed movie.
Furthermore, Siddhant Chaturvedi expressed a keen desire to join forces with renowned director Vidhu Vinod Chopra for an upcoming project. As the actor continues to make his mark in the industry, his aspirations for future collaborations with esteemed filmmakers indicate a promising journey ahead.
Siddhant’s exclusive insights and positive remarks contribute to the buzz surrounding both “12th Fail” and his potential collaboration with Vidhu Vinod Chopra, creating anticipation among fans and industry enthusiasts alike.