Celebrations abound in the Dhawan-Dalal household as Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal embrace parenthood with the arrival of their first child, a baby daughter. The joyous news was officially shared by the actor himself through a heartwarming Instagram post, where he affectionately referred to their newborn as ‘Baby Dhawan’. The post, accompanied by a delightful video-card featuring Varun’s cherished pet dog Joey, depicted a whimsical hot air balloon ride amidst a backdrop of flowers and gifts, announcing the baby’s birth on June 3, 2024.
Varun Dhawan expressed gratitude for the outpouring of well-wishes, extending thanks to all who shared in their joy. Among the first to congratulate the couple were Bollywood stalwarts Priyanka Chopra and Samantha Ruth Prabhu, along with Parineeti Chopra, offering heartfelt messages of congratulations.
Close friends from the industry, including Karan Johar and Arjun Kapoor, took to social media to express their excitement, with Karan Johar affectionately dubbing himself “proud mama” and extending heartfelt wishes to the new parents.
Varun Dhawan, accompanied by his father David Dhawan, was spotted outside Mumbai’s Hinduja Hospital, radiating happiness as he acknowledged the greetings of fans and well-wishers.
This momentous occasion marks another milestone in the journey of Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal, who exchanged vows in an intimate ceremony in 2021. Their pregnancy announcement in February was met with widespread joy and anticipation, culminating in the joyous arrival of their baby daughter.
As Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal embark on this new chapter of parenthood, their well-wishers eagerly await glimpses of the adorable Baby Dhawan and continue to shower the family with love and blessings.