Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced his intention to surrender to the authorities at Tihar Jail on Sunday, June 2. Kejriwal, who is presently out on interim bail, disclosed that he has been experiencing symptoms indicative of a severe ailment, prompting the need for extensive medical examinations to ascertain his health status.
Expressing his need for medical attention, Kejriwal urged the citizens of Delhi to extend their support to his ailing parents during his absence. He recounted his previous incarceration and the challenges he faced, including alleged deprivation of medical care. Despite these adversities, Kejriwal maintained his resolve to continue his fight against what he termed as “dictatorship.”
During a recent interaction, Kejriwal revealed alarming weight loss, expressing concerns that it might signify an underlying health issue. He highlighted the necessity for comprehensive medical tests to address these health uncertainties.
Emphasizing his commitment to the welfare of Delhi, Kejriwal pledged to continue working for the city’s development even during his time in confinement. He assured that initiatives such as free electricity, mohalla clinics, and healthcare services would persist, further promising to introduce additional measures upon his return.