India all-rounder Hardik Pandya and his wife Natasa Stankovic have been blessed with a baby boy. The couple had announced the Natasa’s pregnancy a few months ago on social media. Since then, they were posting pictures on their Instagram handles even as the fans kept showering love on them.
The couple got married during the lockdown after getting engaged on New Year’s Day earlier this year.
After dating each other for quite a few months, Hardik Pandya proposed the love of his life during a private New Year party to make their relationship public. Since then, they have been living together with the family and revealed the good news during the nationwide lockdown in the country.
Hardik Pandya took to his official Twitter account to reveal the delighting news to his fans and said
that the family has been blessed with a baby boy. “We are blessed with our baby boy,” he wrote while also posting a picture holding the baby’s hand.