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“Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi Celebrate Their Union in a Stunning Italian Wedding Ceremony”


In a heartwarming celebration of love, Telugu cinema stars Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi recently exchanged vows in a grand wedding ceremony held in Italy, surrounded by their closest family and friends. The couple’s special day, which took place on a Wednesday, was marked by joyous moments and touching declarations of affection.

Varun Tej, a prominent figure in the Telugu film industry and the son of renowned actor and producer Nagendra Babu, took to his social media to share a glimpse of the festivities. His caption, “My Lav,” was a simple yet touching tribute to his beloved bride. Nagendra Babu, Varun’s father, also shared the couple’s photo on his Instagram profile, expressing his earnest blessings for the newlyweds.

The bride, Lavanya Tripathi, looked resplendent in a traditional red wedding outfit, while Varun Tej opted for a stylish beige ensemble. Their love story, which began during the shooting of the film “Mister,” blossomed over the years. The couple also shared the screen in the film “Antariksh 9000 kmph.”

Megastar Chiranjeevi, a beloved figure in the Telugu film industry, joined in the celebration by sharing a snapshot from the wedding. His heartfelt caption read, “And thus they embarked together on a new love-filled journey. Starry Wishes for the Newest Star Couple.”

Varun Tej, who made his acting debut in 2014 with “Mukunda,” has an impressive filmography, including hits like “Fidaa,” “Kanche,” “Loafer,” and “F3: Fun and Frustration.” His upcoming project, “Operation Valentine,” is eagerly awaited by fans, with a scheduled release on December 8th this year.

Belonging to a family deeply rooted in the entertainment industry, Varun Tej is the son of actor-producer Nagendra Babu, and his uncles Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan are legendary actors in their own right. Additionally, his cousins, Allu Arjun and Ram Charan, have also risen to super-stardom in the industry.

On the other hand, Lavanya Tripathi, who entered the Telugu film industry with the 2012 film “Andala Rakshasi,” is known for her impressive acting skills and has graced the screen in movies such as “Doosukeltha,” “Bramman,” and “Happy Birthday,” to name just a few.

The union of Varun Tej and Lavanya Tripathi is a beautiful testament to love and togetherness, and their Italian wedding was a splendid affair that will be remembered for years to come. The couple’s journey from co-stars to life partners has captured the hearts of fans and industry colleagues alike, and their future is undoubtedly as bright as their star-studded backgrounds