Swati Maliwal, AAP MP and former chairperson of DCW, has come forward with allegations against Bibhav Kumar, the aide to CM Kejriwal, stating that she was physically assaulted and verbally abused on May 13. Maliwal asserts that Kumar slapped her multiple times and used derogatory language towards her, including calling her a “neech aurat.”
These allegations surfaced after Maliwal refused to resign from her Rajya Sabha seat, despite pressure from the party leadership to make way for someone who has allegedly supported Kejriwal significantly. Maliwal categorically denied the accusations and reiterated her decision not to step down.
This incident marks a significant development in the ongoing internal conflicts within the AAP, with Maliwal accusing the party of attempting to undermine her reputation and coerce her resignation. She stated that attempts at character assassination and victim-shaming have been orchestrated to pressure her into resigning from her position.
Maliwal’s detailed statement sheds light on the escalating tensions within the party, highlighting the challenges faced by its members in navigating internal power struggles and maintaining their integrity. As the controversy unfolds, the AAP faces scrutiny over its handling of internal dissent and allegations of misconduct against party officials.