In a devastating incident in Jamshedpur city, Jharkhand, six individuals lost their lives, and two sustained injuries when the car they were traveling in collided with a road divider and a roadside pole on Monday morning, according to local authorities.
The tragic accident occurred near Circuit House Square in the Bistupur police station area around 5 am. Senior Superintendent of Police Kaushal Kishore revealed that the vehicle, designed for five passengers, was carrying eight individuals at the time of the collision.
Providing details on the grim aftermath, Kishore stated, “Five occupants lost their lives at the accident site, and three others were rushed to a nearby hospital. Unfortunately, one more person succumbed to injuries at the medical facility, leaving the remaining two individuals currently undergoing treatment.”
The circumstances leading to the collision are yet to be fully disclosed as authorities continue their investigation into the tragic incident. Further updates on the incident are expected to be provided as additional information becomes available.